We welcome inquiries from customers through this form.

We have listed frequently asked questions below, please read the list before directly contacting us with your inquiries.
If you cannot find the information that you are looking for or have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will get back to you within two days (we are closed on weekends and national holidays).
We are only able to answer in Japanese, English, and Chinese.
We have an automatic reply system, if you do not receive a message confirming your inquiry, please contact us by email.

Contact Form

Please include the following information.

    Name *
    Phone number
    Please enter from the national number, with half-width numbers, without the hyphens.
    Email address *
    Email address (for confirmation) *
    Content of title*
    Content of inquiry *
    Please enter the content of the inquiry.

    The personal information you enter will be used for the purpose of answering inquiries.
    Please check the privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information

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